Winter and spring are for rest and rejuvenation, but with the warmth of summer comes revival. These last months have allowed you to recuperate, but now it’s time to let loose and explore the connection between your mental and physical being.
You are ready to explore the world, with the understanding that you need to check-in with yourself regularly—taking stock of how you are and what you need. When you do this, you are truly unstoppable. You can achieve your wildest hopes and dreams when you listen and know yourself deeply. You are a vessel that is continuously replenished with your own self-care. There are no limits to what you can do.
To help prepare you for your ongoing journey, burn our Revival Atmospherics Candle in times of meditation, reflection, or relaxation. This monthly essence candle is made with Cinnamon Leaf, Clove, Eucalyptus, Lavender French, Peppermint, Sweet Orange, and Rosemary essential oils to make sure that you are revived and refreshed for your internal and external explorations.
Check out our full selection of Atmospherics Monthly Essence Candles here and their corresponding blogs here.