Do’s & Don’ts of Essential Oils

by FabulousFrannie

One of the most exciting things that we’ve seen over the last few years is the growing popularity of essential oils and Aromatherapy. With this popularity comes some confusion, and even misinformation, about proper ways to use and handle these powerful oils. Here are some dos and don’ts of using essential oils.

DO — Read essential oil labels carefully.
The first reason why it’s important to thoroughly examine the label is that you want to make sure that the oil you’re buying is what you think it is. There are companies that offer oils that are actually synthetic fragrances and not true essential oils. Synthetic oils don’t posses the same therapeutic properties as essential oils and can even contain harmful chemicals. You can also check that the label lists the latin or botanical name for the plant that it’s distilled from. If it doesn’t have this information, the oil used may be synthetic. You can check the product’s website for further research.

Additionally, some brands misleadingly sell pre-diluted oils that contain additional ingredients to the essential oils themselves. This will affect the quality of the oil and how you use it (see next point). If an oil has been pre-diluted, you want to make sure that it’s being marketed at such. While this method takes some of the work out of the equation for users, it also increases the cost. You need to be fully aware of the product that you’re buying and using.

DON’T — Apply undiluted essential oils directly onto skin.
Pure, undiluted essential oils are VERY powerful, concentrated liquids, and must be diluted with a carrier oil, lotion, or water before being applied topically. If you don’t properly dilute your oils, you may experience skin sensitivity, rashes, or other reactions. Additionally, not properly using essential oils can cause long-term sensitivity to that particular oil. If you don’t want to apply your oil topically, you can always use a diffuser, oil warmer, inhaler, or Aromatherapy jewelry.

DO — Know the proper ratio to dilute your essential oils.

DON’T — Ingest essential oils directly.
Some essential oil brands and blogs have touted the miracles of ingesting essential oils daily. Although a very small amount of certain oils can be used in certain baking or cooking, or in mouth rinses, these highly concentrated oils need to be used with extreme caution in these instances. Speak with your healthcare provider to discuss this further.

DO — Enjoy the vast therapeutic properties of essential oils.
While there are precautions that you need to take when using essential oils, they’re worth it for all of the amazing benefits that they offer. Wether you’re trying to ease a weary mind (Basil, Bergamot, Grapefruit, Ylang Ylang) or tidy up (Lemon, Rosemary, Tea Tree), there’s an essential oil that can help you get the job done.

DON’T — Forget to tell loved ones to add essential oils SAFELY to their routine.
Real friends don’t let friends continue to use products that are made with ingredients that can be harmful to them or the planet. Show your loved ones how they can safely use essential oils in their daily lives by adding them to anything from body care to laundry detergent to homemade candles. You can also encourage them to continue to do research on essential oils and Aromatherapy by reading reputable books and other materials on the subject. 

Looking for more tips about selecting essential oils? Check out our blog post on How to Find the Best Essential Oils.


*For informational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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