Fend Off Critters with Bug Away Blend Essential Oil

by FabulousFrannie

What’s better than one essential oil that you love? Two, three, or more in one specially formulated blend that targets specific therapeutic properties or aromatic qualities. Here’s the place to explore the benefits of different Fabulous Frannie Blends. In this edition we’ll discuss Bug Away Blend.

Bug Away
Made with Citronella, Lavender, Eucalyptusand Lemongrass essential oils.
Available in 5 and 10mL Bottle, Roll-On, Massage Spray, Herbal Soap, Soy Candle, Soy Meltie, and Wellness Kit.

Connecting with friends, family, and yourself. Conditioning your body and mind. Communing with nature. All of these are reasons why the outdoors are often referred to as great. Something that’s not so great—the creepy crawly things that we encounter as we spend time outside (and sometimes even inside). From bees to mosquitos to ants, it’s generally better to marvel at the wonder and necessity of these creatures from a safe distance. Bug Away Blendis specially formulated with essential oils to help make that happen. Is there an essential oil that we associate more with repelling bugs more than Citronella? We don’t think so. This oil, along with Lavender, Eucalyptus and Lemongrass emit an aroma and natural chemicals that will keep creepy-crawlies away so you can fully enjoy your time outside.

How to use: We offer a variety of pre-made products to help you stay bug free on all your adventures. Use Herbal Soap before a day spent outside, then apply Massage Spray to have topical protection throughout the day. If you’re hosting a backyard BBQ or campout, try burning a few Candles.

Enjoying learning about essential oil blends, but want to find out more about single scent oils? Check out our Essential Oils A to Z Series, where we discuss the benefits of oils from Ajwain to Ylang Ylang.


*For informational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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