4 Essential Oils for Skin

by FabulousFrannie

Whether you’re looking to relieve itching and inflammation, or just want to hydrate parched skin, here are four essential oils that are up to the task.

Known as a soothing oil, Chamomile also helps reduce inflammation and relieve itching associated with normal eczema and poison ivy.

Like the other oils on this list, Geranium is anti-inflammatory and helps reduce minor redness. This oil supports skin health by helping fight germs that attack the skin. It can help minimize the appearance of scars by promoting improved blood circulation and skin cell regrowth.

One of skin’s greatest allies, Helichrysum helps replenish damaged skin cells, while reducing minor pain, inflammation and itching from eczema. It’s great for particularly dry skin.

Known to aid just about everything under the sun, from sleeplessness to mild sunburns, Lavender supports skin repair, minimizing scarring. This oil is also moisturizing, calming, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. These properties help make it a great disinfectant for minor rashes from poison ivy or other skin irritations.


*For informational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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